

I solved my time problem! No more will I be wondering what the actual time is. For my birthday I got a gift card to Bed, Bath and Beyond from my aunt. I used it to buy an atomic clock, it gets the time from the national clock. So now, I have at least one clock in my house that I know is right. Now all I have to do is switch every other clock so they all match!


Dream Jobs

Remember when you were a kid and you had all these grand thoughts about what you would be when you grew up? It was like a fun game. I'm going to be a designer or superman.

Then we grow up, and look at what we're doing. When I was a kid I never thought, well I'd like to do administrative/event planning work for a small non-profit organization.

How many kids do you know that say, when I grow up I want to work in Marketing! But I have tons of friends who are in marketing, and it's a great career. I guess I'm just annoyed that I was taught to have the illusion of a dream job. The question is, why don't I have one? Probably b/c my dream changed and I realized what I could and couldn't do with my life. Sorry if this was depressing.


Thank you!

Thanks to everyone who sent birthday wishes. I'm now in a whole new age bracket on forms. I'm getting old.


The Birthday Song

So, my birthday is fast approaching. And, I'm generally a big pain in the butt for my birthday, however this year I've resolved not to be a pain. My one and only request is that no one sings the Happy Birthday song to me. I hate that song, it's stupid and annoying.

How about you just sing me a song I really like, like Raspberry Beret?



Ok, if you know me you are very aware that I don't have much sense of fashion. I'm a jeans and t-shirt kind of girl, and I like it that way. Well, I also love skirts, but that's a completely different topic.

Anyway, I'm wondering, did someone forget to tell me that sweater dresses are back in? WTF? Last week two people I work with had on sweater dresses. Didn't those go out in the 80's? I'm a huge fan of the 80's, but that is one trend that could just stay away and I'd be happy with it.


Go Ahead and Hate Me

I know that there are way too many people out there that will not like this comment, but I'm just sick of U2. I feel like I can't ride in the car for more than 10 minutes without one (or several) stations playing U2.

I wouldn't mind if they were playing only Joshua Tree stuff and some select other tunes, but I hear all this new stuff, and it's really grating on my nerves. I swear, if I hear Unos, dos, tres, catorce [1,2,3,14], one more time I might just scream.