
Cool Whip

Ok, so many people know that I have some food issues. There are many things I don't like, like soup, I do not eat soup. I eat clam chowder, but only New England, and it's not soup, it's chowda!

Up until last year I'd never had pudding. I've also never had yogurt (unless you count frozen yogurt, which isn't really the same). So you can see that I don't really branch out.

Over New Years I was making ice box cake, and since I didn't have time to whip up my own cream the recipe said to use cool whip. Since then I have realized what a glorious thing it really is. Cool whip with strawberries, cool whip with everything!


Katie Couric is leaving the Today Show!

Finally, I can watch the Today Show again. I don't think I've ever actually liked Katie Couric. Alexis had the best comments about Katie Couric, it all involved her being absolutely distraught, and apparently up half the night because Jenn & Brad had broken up. What was going on during this time? Honestly, I can't remember, but I do remember there being breaking news about something awful happening, and this being her main concern. I do find it somewhat alarming that she's going to be an anchor on CBS, but I guess she can just sit there and enjoy her fake tan.

I had to start watching GMA because I just couldn't take Katie anymore. Now, I honestly find GMA to be a much better program. Diane Sawyer is fantastic, she's smart and my favorite thing about her is that she isn't day-glo orange.