

Ok, so I know I'm pretty much a hick, or at least I was for most of my life. I've also realized I'm not a city girl. I like having a back yard and being able to go outside. And I'm not talking a 15x15 block. Well, here's yet another story of my confusion b/c I'm a hick.

Last night I got home and used the bathroom, the toilet started making a lot of noise when I flushed it, so I took the cover off to look in the tank to make sure I wasn't going to have to shut the water off. It was fine, but I forgot to put the cover right back on b/c I had to go tend to my dog chasing my rabbits (sounds like a normal story till I mention that right?). Scott came home and asked what was wrong with the toilet, I told him, he flushed it, and the fresh water that came out was brown. Then we checked the faucet, also brown water.

Apparently this happened b/c the city shut down the water on our street b/c of some construction. However, I've never seen this happen, so I get concerned. Scott starts telling me this is totally normal, and then gets surprised b/c I've never seen it happen. And then I tell him I had a well growing up, if our water was brown there was something to be concerned about. I miss wells. I miss knowing my water is clean. I was afraid to shower this morning :(


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