
Alexis and I should not be allowed to drive in a car together to any destination where neither of us have been. Even some places we've been to should be questioned.

Yesterday we attended a funeral. We got lost. What happened was that we drove past it and didn't see it, drove all the way into Wellesley even though we were supposed to be in Brookline. We turned around a few times. During this time we thought we were late b/c we thought everything started at 9, but it started at 10. So we were actually half an hour early. When we did finally get there we sat in the church for about 20 minutes feeling like we were in an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasum. Possibly sitting in the wrong church we contemplated how we might have to get up and try to escape when we discover that we are at the wrong services. We didn't recognize anyone, what were we to do. Well there was no way we were going to get up and leave in the middle of someone's mass, so we realized we'd have to sit there and miss the services we wanted to attend. Luckily everything worked out, but it was touch and go for a while.

My latest rant, and let me preface this by saying that if you are against abortion you can just stop reading right now. I have my opinions, you have yours, leave it at that.

The govenors of both MA and NY have decided that they are against the morning after pill. Now, obviously I'm not shocked that this happened, but I am appalled. They don't want to allow these pills to be sold over the counter. Now, I like to assume that this would only be used as a precaution, such as if the condom broke, and I do realize what it would be like to make this available to teenagers, but I also know that teenagers are going to have sex, and the ones who are responsible enough will use condoms, or go to Planned Parenthood to get on the pill. But for those who don't they should make this pill available. It's not killing an unborn child, it's preventing an egg from getting fertilized, get over it. There isn't even a fetus yet!

Rant over.


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