With a Child's Sense of Wonder
So last night, while I was very screwed up, I was looking at books online. We'd been to borders earlier in the day and I liked a bunch of books I saw that were all about random information, so I looked up some others.
I find one that looks interesting, and then when I go in to read the description I find out that it's a book for parent's to read to their kids. It explains all sorts of stupid stuff like why exactly people hiccup. Every book I looked at like that was for kids. Eventually I did find a section for "grown-ups" but it took a while. I guess I'm more childlike than I know!
Oh, and can I just say I wish we turned the clocks back all the time! I love that extra hour, it's like free time I can do anything I want with! When I was in college and I had a prof cancel a class I wouldn't go study, I would enjoy my free time b/c it was time I hadn't planned on being able to use how I wanted. I feel the same way about changing the clocks. Although I think it's a stupid practice, that is my hour and I will use it as I see fit.