
Damn Ts'ai Lun... and other rants

Ts'ai Lun was the inventor of paper. I currently believe that paper is the most evil creation ever. Of course I had to copy a binder 6 times. Paper cuts, yeah I have those. There is something about paper, everyone needs to see something on paper, in writing, etc. I realize it serves a good purpose, but I think it's just getting taken overboard. And then I see the paper package that says that 30% of it is recycled. To me I think 30% is nothing, and then I start thinking about all the trees that are being killed just so we can have a notebook. My heart breaks for every tree being chopped down now.... I am the Native American in those old commericals about waste.

Rant #2 (which is completely random)
Why do girls wear halter tops, or tube tops and then wear regular bras? Do they not know how tacky that is? It's one thing if your bra shows, but wearing something without straps and then having your bra straps sticking out is awful. This among other things that girls do pisses me off - and yes I am a girl, but at least I'm not a whore. I also don't attempt to squeeze my ass into paints that are two sizes too small and then walk around with a too small top on.


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