
Musical Disappointment

Ok, what's happened to music lately? I feel like every time I turn on the radio it's the same song on. Everything sounds the same. Or the re-makes of old songs. Yes, it's great to pay tribute to old songs and artists, but maybe their version is better than yours. Maybe we should leave good enough alone.

And don't even get me started on Weezer. How unbelievably disappointing is Weezer? I used to love that band. I still love their old stuff, but come on, the song "We Are All On Drugs" doesn't that song sound just like their old music, with the same chords, just different words? It's not original. And that song "Beverly Hills," why would Weezer sing about Beverly Hills? I can't even continue this thought.

Let me also just mention, in complete randomness, I hate the police (No, not the band). This morning I went through the regular construction by my house. A policeman waved me to stop, even though there seemed to be no reason to do so. Then, after five minutes he waved me on. But I sat there, and then another cop started waving at me to go. Why did I not go? Because there was a flippin' crane holding up some sort of huge metal thing in the middle of the road, that would've crashed into my windshield. So when I waved at them they looked back, saw the thing in the air and then held up their hand for me to stop. Gee thanks, obviously with your help I would be dead right now. How about paying attention when you direct traffic??


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