
Bathroom Reading

For those of you who know me, you know I am adamantly against any and all reading materials in the bathroom. My college roommate (god love her) read magazines, I no longer wanted to read the magazines once they had been in the bathroom.

You could consider me Brentano's in the episode of Seinfeld where George reads a book in the bookstore and they make him buy it. No one wants to touch it after he brings it in there.

Well, whatever you want to do in your own home is fine with me, however if you're reading my book or something I will have please don't do this. And speaking of your own home that is completely different than the workplace.

This afternoon I saw a co-worker (male) go into the restroom with some paperwork he was reading. I just thank my lucky soul that I don't work closely with him, but from now on I will be overly concerned when I receive anything from him. What do you even do with paperwork when you're in a stall in the men's room?


Boyz 2 Men?

Can you believe I ever actually listened to that? I'm listening to the 90's station on launchcast and I sat there remembering how I thought it was so great. There's the part where the guy with the deep voice starts talking... "Girl, I'm here for you
All those times of night when you just hurt me.." it's insane. Only 13 year old girls really enjoy that.

Apparently they have a new CD called Throwback. But now there's only three of them. For the life of me I can't tell who left. You can check it out on their site if you're so inclined.

Other weird thing, there's someone in my parking garage at work who has a sticker on their car that says "I'm changing the climate" I would like to put a note on their car (b/c it's an SUV) and tell them they're only making it worse by driving that inefficient vehicle. I'm not saying my car is perfect for the environment, but I don't say I'm saving it do I?


Conspiracy Theory

I think all my pets are plotting against me. Mabel steals my shoes, but only the light weight ones, she never steals the nice shoes, so I don't care, it's generally just my slippers.

Unfortunately one of my slippers has been missing for about a week. For the life of me I can't find it, and our apartment isn't that big. Because of this I had to break out my "hippy shoes" otherwise known as my brown clogs from AE, I've had them forever.

Since I've been using those to walk Mabel she started stealing them. But instead of hiding them, she brings them over to the rug and just drops them there. The problem with this is it's like she's just depositing my shoes to the bunnies. I got up this morning to find my "hippy shoes" have been chewed, the heel, the rubber on the bottom, all chewed around the edges. I think they worked that out together.


It's all in how you say it

Ok, so today I wore a skirt, haven't done that in a while. I didn't like my shoes for a bit, then I didn't have any nylons, so I couldn't wear a skirt.

So today I come in to work, getting myself a cup of tea and I had someone say "you look nice today". WTF is that about? Why do you need to add "today" to the statement, if you say "you look nice" that's all you need to say! Adding the "today" just makes me feel like normally I look like a bum but today I look good.


Negative Seven

That's the temperature in Boston this morning. I want to die. With the heat on high, blowing directly on my windshield all the ice on it still did not melt before I got to work, and this was with much scraping done by me.



My dog is smart! We took her to training last night, and she wasn't as anxious as I expected, but she learned pretty quickly what the clicker was for.

I've decided that she needs help from Jim Cunningham from Donnie Darko. She is afraid of everything. She could be that little kid that screams out: I'M NOT AFRAID ANYMORE!

No duh is a product of fear.


I killed them

Our fish are dead. I cleaned the entire tank yesterday. Did such a good job. Then I put in the drops to protect the fish, stirred it up a bit and waited a little before I put the fish in. Then right before bed Scott told me they were both lying on the bottom of the tank. I'm sorry fish!

Our dog is such a loser. Apparently Saturday she got off her leash on the walk back to the apt, and Scott said she ran all the way home, except when she got to the sidewalk she stopped and looked both ways before she crossed the street!